There is no denying that beautiful things are born from suffering.

But we don’t know anyone who can take more suffering right now.

At the start of the pandemic we told ourselves that Shakespeare wrote King Lear as the Black Plague tore through London. Shouldn’t we be able to deliver a few lines of copy?

Nearly three years on, those of us who design and create and make for a living turn up and churn out, but we need more.

Inspiration is everything.

It used to feel like everything is inspiration.

We want that feeling back.

We made something. For you. For ourselves.

We spoke to twenty people who know about creating things amidst suffering and strange times. Then designers and artists at Wong/Doody captured their portraits, from 4D rendering to 4B pencil and back again.

This project has no commercial element. No client. No sponsor.

And it isn’t a solution to the suffering in the world. It is instead something to look at for an hour and feel stuff—it is the start of making things again.

It is the end of nowhere.